This page contains a list of several of the products I use for my businesses, including my blogs. Most of them are affiliate links, which means if you click on the item and purchase I may get a small commission. This does not change the amount you pay, but you get my heartfelt thanks.  🙂

Setting up a blog

Bluehost is a web-hosting service.  A web host is where your website “lives.” You own it, but you pay a small fee to keep it online (kind of like paying property taxes to the government). It’s one of the most popular web hosts on the Internet and offers excellent, 24/7 customer service. I have been happy with their customer service since I started blogging. I get immediate response if I have a problem.


WordPress is my website platform. I love the control it provides me. I can change templates (how my site looks) at any time. It allows me to set up my blog my way. WordPress offers free and paid templates. When you’re first starting a website, especially if you are on a shoestring budget, free is the way to go. You can always update to another template when you like. It’s pretty easy to do yourself. I think you’ll love WordPress, too.


Social Warfare Plugins provides the best way to share your content on social media – fast and easy.  With Social WarfarePlugins, you can get more social media shares which leads to more website traffic. It’s one of the best sharing plugins for WordPress.  The basic version of this plugin is free!

You can choose from the top social networks sharing buttons, including:  Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn and StumbleUpon.  You can also choose where you want the buttons to show up in your content.  There is also a paid version which provides many more options at a very low annual cost.



BluChic’s Isabelle theme is the one I use for my website. BluChic offers many, many themes to choose from. If you are looking for a theme that is geared to women, I highly recommend BluChic. Lots of instruction is included with your purchase – how to install, how to make it look like YOU want, and additional information about making your website your business. The team is very responsive and helpful if you have questions. Yes, there is a price . . . but the templates are beautiful and worth the price. I started my first blog with a free WordPress theme but upgraded to BluChic Isabelle, which gave me “the look” I wanted for my blog(s).




Setting up email lists


MailChimp is a company that will collect email addresses for you so you can stay in touch with your fans.  It is free until you have around 1000 subscribers, then you will either need to upgrade with them (pay money) or change to another company.


ConvertKit is another company that will collect email addresses for you so you can stay in touch with your fans.  There is a monthly fee (fairly low), but you can collect a LOT of subscribers before you need to upgrade. (This is actually the one I use).



Other Products to Consider



Mesothelioma is a deadly form of cancer caused from asbestos exposure. Due to the long latency period of mesothelioma, approximately 20-50 years, about 80% of those who are diagnosed with this terrible disease are seniors. This organization works 1-on-1 with these individuals to help them find local doctors, treatment centers and support groups.




German Slippers is a quality brand of shoes and slippers. It is Germany’s largest online retailer when it comes to the widest selection of house shoes for men, women and children, of various kinds and from different brands such as BIRKENSTOCKHAFLINGERWOOLFITLIVING KITZBUEHELSHEPHERDMAGIC FELT and BERKEMANN.