We Will Remember (A Poem for Mom)

You were there to wipe our tears
When we fell as we learned to walk,
Through all the heartache of being teenagers.
We will remember.

Memories of you when we were young
Playing hide and seek,
Singing us to sleep at night,
Telling us bedtime stories.
We will remember.

You were always moving as we grew up.
Running to catch my sister when she was a toddler,
Running to save my brother from being run over by a train,
Running alongside me as I learned to ride my bicycle.
We will remember.

Illness took away your health
Cruel disease took away all your memories
Of the life you lived,
Of your family and friends,
Of all who love you.
We will remember.

In heaven there is rejoicing
But not one of us would call you back to earth.
All your pain is gone,
You have no more tears,
You have all your memories back,
Now you will remember.

We will cry,
We will laugh,
We will love you and miss you always.
But we will remember.

Written by Dianne Byrd Terry

See also We Will Remember You, Mom and Aging Parents and Alzheimer’s


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