Hey, there. Welcome to Chosen and Loved by Him. This website is all about God – His love, grace and mercy. I need all of these every day. Maybe you do, too.

Photo of Dianne

My Faith

I’ve been a Christian for many years . . . and guess what . . . I’m still not perfect.

The Christian life is not about being perfect. Thank goodness for that! It’s about allowing God to work in you – helping you grow to be more like Christ – loving people and helping others.

Besides, I am easily bored by people who think they are perfect. I would much rather listen to someone who can point to their own life and say, “I’m not who I used to be, and I’m not who I will be some day, but God is working in me EVERY day. Let me tell you what He had done in my life.”

He can work in you, too – if you let Him.

I will NEVER be perfect, at least not while I am still living here on earth. And neither is anyone else – no matter what they tell you. But I was chosen and am loved by God. You can be, too.


My Life

My life has been full of “interesting” experiences. One of the most impactful things in my life has been moving from place to place. My dad was in the Army when I was growing up, so moving was a big part of my life. Even when I was grown and married, we made some big moves that changed our lives. We started our family in Houston, Texas,  moved to Spokane, Washington, then to Tucson, Arizona, only to end up in Kansas City. Life has definitely been interesting.

I’m a wife, mother and grandmother. For forty-something years I worked in corporate America and now I’m retired.

I love writing, playing golf with my husband, traveling, and spending time at our lake house in northern Arkansas.


My Work

I am a published author – finally – (a book about planning for retirement) and I love to create journals, gift books and coloring books. I’m currently working on a sequel to the retirement book, a children’s book and have several ideas bouncing around in my head for some novels.

I blog on two websites, http://www.retiredlivingtoday.com about planning for and enjoying your retirement, and on this one, Chosen and Loved by Him.


My Church

I am active in my church and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my church family. If you don’t find joy, acceptance and love in your church, maybe you are in the wrong church. Just sayin’. Find a church that preaches the gospel, but is not afraid to accept people – regardless of their tattoos, body piercings and brokenness. After all, we are all broken in one way or another and Jesus is in the business of restoring lives. Who are we to get in His way?

If you live in the Kansas City area, I encourage you to visit our church’s website Christ Community Church – Olathe Campus and then come visit us some Sunday. We love God and we love people.


Next Steps

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