Month: September 2019

Apple Pie Bread

I got this recipe from Tasteful Tips. Doesn’t it look yummy? And easy. A WIN!! You’ll Need: 1 can apple pie filling, mashed 1 yellow cake mix 4 eggs, slightly beaten 1 cup self rising flour 1 Tbsp cinnamon 1 medium chopped apple Whisk all dry ingredients, add wet ingredients. Fold in apples. Pour in […] Read more…

We Will Remember (A Poem for Mom)

We Will Remember (A Poem for Mom) You were there to wipe our tears When we fell as we learned to walk, Through all the heartache of being teenagers. We will remember. Memories of you when we were young Playing hide and seek, Singing us to sleep at night, Telling us bedtime stories. We will […] Read more…

Heart - I love you Mom

We Will Remember You, Mom

I lost my mother in July. There’s a big hole in my heart. It wasn’t unexpected – she had Alzheimer’s – but I don’t think you are ever ready for a loved one to die. Alzheimer’s – The Long Goodbye Nancy Reagan called Alzheimer’s “the long goodbye” after spending several years at her husband’s (President […] Read more…